AS Prelim Task

AS Opening Sequence

Wednesday 23 September 2009

Camera Evaluation

Cannon XHA1

It's full name Canon HDV1080i XH A1 is a light and easy camcorder which is we will be using to make our film.
It's features are:

  • 1/3" 1.67MP 3CCD for HDV1080i
  • 20x optical zoom lens with OIS
  • Instant AF and Focus Assist
  • DIGIC DV II for HD
  • Compact design
  • Focus, zoom and iris rings
  • Widescreen LCD and EVF
  • Complete image control
  • Cine gamma and custom presets
  • Hot-shoe and XLR audio

How digital technology compared to analogue technology has changed the way films are being made:

As we progress into the 21st Century, technology has helped to advance films we see today. As more techniques are being used more effectively, as an audience we expect to see a lot more from movies since film history has come a long way. Digital cinematography is the modern process of capturing motion pictures as easily accessible digital images, rather than on film. Many film-makers are now using this method a lot more as it is quick and easy to use and store. This media is stored on CD’s, cassettes, USB drives, floppy disks, etc…

Here is a clip explaining some techniques that are used in Digital Cinematography:

Sunday 20 September 2009

Walking to a door - Shot sequence

Shot 1
This is a long shot of me walking towards the camera. This is the beginning of our shot sequence when I am walking down a corridor to meet Rochelle. I think this shot is effective at conveying its meaning as it captures the action of the person walking down the corridor. But I also think that this shot could be improved by taking it from a further distance, and show more of the surroundings to create an eerie effect, as our theme in the sequence is “mystery”.

Shot 2
This is a long shot of Rochelle walking down the stairs. Rochelle and we have planned to meet up and therefore this shows she’s on her way. It is taken at a low angle which shows that Rochelle is at a high level in the photo. I think this shot is effective in showing the meaning as we can see the action of her moving. Personally I don’t think this photo needs any improvements and I am satisfied with how the image came out.

Shot 3
In this shot Rochelle is looking down the corridor as she saw me. This is a long shot but taken from a low angle as it shows that she is at a higher level. I think this shot is okay but to improve, I feel it should have been a mid shot to emphasise that she is really looking down as she could be looking anywhere. It would also show how the person is feeling.

Shot 4
Here, I am looking up at Rochelle as she is walking down the stairs. This is a mid shot taken from a high angle to show that Rochelle is looking down at me. This shows that I am at a lower level. I think this shot works very well because it suited our sequence and conveys that there is something I am looking at. As it is a mid shot, we can see my facial expressions which show that I have seen someone (Rochelle). I think this shot does not need any improvements.

Shot 5
Here, Rochelle and I have met up and we are now having a conversation. This is an over the shoulder shot showing my point of view. I think this is one of our best shots because it is taken from an effective angle and the shot shows Rochelle’s facial expressions, which conveys that we are having a good conversation. Once again I think this shot does not need any improvements.

Shot 6
This over the shoulder shot now shows Rochelle’s point of view and my facial expressions. These two shots convey the meaning of the photos that we are engaged in our conversation and look very realistic. To improve this image I think the angle should have been more to the right so we can see more of my body language like we could she Rochelle’s body language in the previous photo. That would make it more effective as we could understand the characters feelings much better.

Shot 7
This is an over the shoulder shot with both of us in the shot. The angle it is taken from is behind us and it shows what we can see. Here we walk into a classroom and surprisingly nobody is in there. I think this is another effective shot as it focuses on the empty classroom as it is in the centre of the image. I really like this image because I think it is the most effective, because although the main focus of this image is the classroom, Rochelle and I are still in the image. As it is taken from behind, it conveys our point of view.

Shot 8
Here, this shot focuses on our reaction to the empty classroom. This shot shows our feelings through our facial expressions. For example, Rochelle is thinking where everyone could have gone whereas I am confused and sense something very strange. I think this two shot has been used effectively as we can see what the people are thinking and feeling. I think the mid shot has been used effectively as we can see what to focus on when we see this image.

Shot 9
In the final shot, Rochelle and I decide to walk out. I think this two shot is an effective because it is more of an action shot and as we are facing away from the camera, it shows we are heading towards a direction. I think this image doesn’t need to be improved as we have conveyed its meaning.

Overall, I think there was a lot of sense of creativity in our shot sequence but I think if we had more shots then we could have made the sequence a lot more interesting. The photos were taken by Marika and as a group we decided which shots and angles were best suited according to our storyboard sequence. In my opinion I think our photos worked well according to our storyboard. I also learnt how to put different types of shots into practice and how to make photos look effective. Shot 7 is a good example of this as the empty classroom is the main focus of the shot and it gave it an eerie mood. As a group we worked quickly for example by story boarding each shot and then going out to take the shots. We knew what we were doing and as a group we decided which shots were good to keep.