AS Prelim Task

AS Opening Sequence

Tuesday 16 March 2010


City Breaks

The rhythm to this beat will suit our film really well because it's slow with a gangster beat which will suit the location we did & time in the foggy morning in the ghetto place. The song also feels like it's telling a story especially when we see it with the film itself. The advantage of using this song is that the crime drama genre is expressed in a strong way as it sounds like stereotypical soundtrack which would associate a youth (gangster) interested in this particular type of music. However, the disadvantage of using this is that we do not achieve the constant flow which was essential to match with the shots of our opening sequence.

Do the Damn thing

This song has a fast hiphop gangster rhythm to it. I chose this song because it will suit the the opening of my film because it's based in a gangster environment.

Slow Jams

This beat is a steady tempoed beat that features a couple of second pause. I chose this song because it represents the area and culture of the gangsters and the seconds pause could be used showing closeups of the gang meaning the audience will be thought provoked thinking into the character's lifestyle. This was the final soundtrack we used for our opening sequence. This due to the dramatic effect being achieved and also the constant repitition of the tune which also represents that everything that has been shown is done on a regular basis as it is the character's daily lives.


This beat features a big sound base like a drum and continues to a instument being played later. I chose this song because it matches the scene that the openng scene will be in.


During Post-Production:

As we were editing our opening sequence, we constantly asked for feedback. Such as the effect of the font of our title. We wanted it to be bold and in red capital letters as the colour connotes that there is blood and crime involved in this film, which creates seriousness. In order to ensure this effect was achieved, we asked for feedback. Also during the process of making the titles for our statistics, we were advised to show each fact separately so it is more pleasing to the audience's eye and make them want to read it, as they play an important role in the narrative. To solve this we used transition effects to display each fact separated as this enables the audience to easily what is on the screen rather than a huge amount of writing we started off with before. Many negative feedback was given for the final shot, which was a mid pan shot of a wall full of graffiti. To make it more suited to our sequence, we lengthened the duration of this shot. This gave the final effect of a slow end rather than a quick pan shot.