AS Prelim Task

AS Opening Sequence

Saturday 10 October 2009

Cutaway scene evaluation

In this task, my main learning objective was to achieve how to use the camera promptly according to our storyboard sequence. This is because it was a different role than to my previous task. I did this by, for example, when I was given the storyboard, I set the camera to all the angles and shots of how we planned them.

Personally, I feel that this was one of the weakest tasks I have done so far. One weakness was our timing. For example, we were only given 10 minutes worth of planning and less than 30 minutes to film. To improve, I think we should sit together as a group and discuss the planning. This is because I was sent off to set up the camera and I was not aware of what to shoot, and as Antoinette had to explain the storyboard to me it wasted our filming time. As a team, I feel it was working quite slow. For example, if we planned well in the start then we wouldn't have wasted time while filming.

I also think our previous task was much better as it was planned well, and even though there were more obstacles in the previous task, I feel we still were able to execute our task well. For example, we planned well the day before we started filming which did not waste any lesson time. However, as we were filming we did not have to show many different techniques as the task was to simply show a cutaway scene. For example, as it was a shorter scene, it made it easier to film as there were just 6 shots.

However, I feel that when it came to filming, some of our storyboard sequence was not correct. For example, in shot 3 we were confused about what it really was. Then to solve this issue we shot the scene as we went along to make continuity. We did this so it made sense to our story. Our filming was also slowed down. For example, as we were filming outside we had to wait for silence and made sure people were not in the background. This task was quite hectic as well and at times. For example, towards the end we ran out of time and we had to rush the last shots. This made our task unsuccessful.

Now I have experienced the positive and negatives, in future short film tasks I will now know what exactly to expect and make sure we plan well. For example, I will make sure that as a group we ensure that everyone has a good understanding of what and how we are filming before we start. In my opinion I feel that I did achieve my learning objective and I feel that although there were many obstacles during filming, I was still able to execute my task well. For example, when I knew what angle the shot is taken from it was simple to set the camera there. I also felt comfortable to film and I gained confidence to use a camera well.

1 comment:

  1. Dhara you have described the task set instead of evaluating. In order to write a better structure use point, example, explain in your evaluations, identifying key areas within the task. Always begin your evaluation with a personal objective - something you want to develop using either your technical or creative skills for practical projects. Make sure you are using the correct terminologies in context.
