AS Prelim Task

AS Opening Sequence

Tuesday 27 October 2009

Film Review - Badlands

Personally, in my opinion I think “Badlands” was not interesting to watch at all. First of all, the story line was not exciting at all. Also the opening of this film was just the main character (the girl) narrating her past, and throughout the whole movie she narrates. I think that this ruined the surprises that were yet to come as she tells the audience and then we see it happen. This film took the idea from “Bonnie and Clyde” that is also about a man and a woman who commit a series of crimes. We also watched the opening scene of that film, and to be honest “Bonnie and Clyde” seems a lot more interesting as it grabbed the audience’s attention. The audience were not confused at any point during “Badlands” and the film had no suspense. Also the acting was very poor and they did not seem really realistic, especially the girl. This loses the audience’s attention and therefore makes a film unsuccessful. There were some shocking scenes but they were not effective because they didn’t seem realistic at all. The ending of “Badlands” was also quite pointless, as the girl just narrated the ending of the film too, and she didn’t show any emotion in the film.

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