AS Prelim Task

AS Opening Sequence

Monday 9 November 2009

Genre Research

1) What have you learnt about genre?

Genre is an overall specification to identify what to expect from the film. For example in a horror movie you would expect to see ghosts, murders etc… The codes and conventions would relate to the overall look (cinematography) if the movie. For example, in a comedy film you would expect the dialogue to be funny. Characters would also be expected to wear some kind of comical costume to add to the humour.

2) Why is it so important to be aware of this?

It is important to be aware of what genre movies are as it does not confuse the audience. Genre is like the topic of the movie and if the audience do not know the topic (genre) it may interfere with what they expected to see. For example, in the opening of a romantic movie, a serious crime scene is shown; it may confuse the audience as it is not what they expect of the movie.

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