AS Prelim Task

AS Opening Sequence

Tuesday 10 November 2009

Granted - Treatment

Genre: Crime drama

Tag line:

2 carry guns, 1 serves time.


Two brothers separated from young age end up living two different lives. Young CID agent Trey Smith sent on a mission to catch the most wanted gang around the U.K named “The D.R.D” (Dirt road diggers). The mission is achieved but lost in a brother hood.


Undercover C.I.D agent is on a mission. He pretends to be new to the country and rents out a room with gangsters. He gains their trust and assists the gang in crimes.

Suspicion starts to arise as “Tee Dog” (C.I.D agent) never lets any of the gang members into the room. Many incidents before Tee Dog takes time to open the door. Big Jon (gang leader) starts being suspicious about “Tee Dog’s” behaviour and ends up following him one morning. He sees him meeting other agents and overhears them discussing the information. Big Jon is extremely furious.

Gang leader shoots the C.I.D agent in his sleep. Then the HQ tries to contact him but they cannot get through to him and sense something is wrong. The SWAT team raids the gangster’s apartment and they all get arrested. In court, the leader is found guilty of murder and committing various other crimes. But he also finds out that the agent he killed was his long lost brother as the Judge mentions it in his final statement.

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