AS Prelim Task

AS Opening Sequence

Wednesday 25 November 2009

Location Recce Photos

Location Details

Possible problems

Risks assessments

Upney Railway

Upney Lane, Upney

Main road

Upney Lane, Upney

Graffiti Wall

Margaret Bondfield Avenue


Alley way

Upney Lane, Upney

Public interfering with filming by walking past. Bad weather.

Theft, equipment being damaged by public. Bad weather.

Quiet area where theft is more prone to. Bad weather.

Public walking through the alley interfering with filming. Bad weather.

Keep the camera secure.Bad weather - carry umbrella to protect the equipment.

Taking care of equipment – not too close to traffic.

Try not to attract real gangs – be quick while taking shots.

Again, try not to attract attention from real gangs.

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