AS Prelim Task

AS Opening Sequence

Wednesday 25 November 2009


As shown below, you can see the development of our storyboard as we started from one-two ideas and developed them into the final opening sequence.

Storyboard draft 1
This is the first draft of our storyboard. After feedback given from the class, we chose to redraft as it was commented that only a vague sense of the narrative was conveyed.

Storyboard draft 2
Here, we chose to redraft after as our feedback was not at satisfactory level. This is due to the sequence not reflecting previous opening sequences we have researched and using similar techniques. Also, we had a few more ideas, such as cutting out some shots and replacing them, and therefore thought about redrafting.

Draft 3
This draft also vaguely conveys our idea for the opening sequence as the statistic titles and extra shots needed to be included, which we realised we needed.

Final Storyboard
After some feedback from the class and group members, we were satisfied with the final draft as it was exactly how we wanted our opening sequence to look like. The comments that were given is that it's quick, attracts the audience's attention straight away and a variety of shots are shown.

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