AS Prelim Task

AS Opening Sequence

Saturday 2 January 2010

Evaluation Question Four

Evaluation Question Four

Who would be the audience for your media product?

Primary audience profile:

Age: 16 – 30 year olds

Gender: Both

Ethnicity: All ethnicities and race

Social Class: Young adults and teenagers from working class families

Lifestyle: People who are interested in watching crime drama genre films, interested in real life issues, appealing to young people as it shows youth culture.

We have associated our film’s target audience with the demographics ( such as class, location etc) of the film with the people living in the area, and similar people living like that in reality who go through the social issues shown, such as gang crime and drugs. We chose to target 16-30 year olds as, as we have shown a group of young people in a gang. Also statistically this age group is more prone to be involved in gang associated crimes as we researched for the production of our film. Our film “stereotypically” applies to the male audience but in today’s generation the female audience would be just as entertained so therefore both genders would be interested in watching our film and other crime drama films. We have also shown men and women in our opening and this shows that the film appeals to both male and female audiences.

As for ethnicity and race, we were careful not to aim at a particular group as it would cause issues regarding racism. To tackle this we had a cast of all races and crime can be committed by anyone of any race. We also decided that young adults and teenagers from working class families would be interested in watching our film. This is because people who live in areas like the location we have shown (Barking and Dagenham, Hackney) in the opening can relate to it well as they know what places like these are like. But it is not necessary for the audience to live in such areas because they may already have some knowledge and understanding of them already. If they don’t then by watching our film they will gain the experience of how working class young adults struggle financially and the reasons for turning to crime.

Secondary audience profile:

Age: 16 – 40 year olds

Gender: Both

Ethnicity: All ethnicities and race

Social Class: People from all class (upper, middle, working class)

Lifestyle: People interested in a variety of films to watch and the crime drama genre could appeal to them

The secondary audience for our film are people with all interests and wouldn’t mind watching any genre. The following films would also be appealing to both our primary and secondary audience as they follow codes and conventions of crime drama films:

  • The Dark Knight
  • American Beauty
  • Law and Order
  • Kill Bill: Vol.1

Other films our audience may be interested in watching would be “Adulthood” and “Kidulthood” which both focus on young adults and teenagers lives living in rough areas of the UK. They both focus on the similar social issues and themes like our film such as, gang crime, violence, drugs and death. A film typical of the crime drama genre our audience would watch is “Scarface” as it is also about violence, crime and drugs. Also a film released in the last six months that would appeal to our audience would be “Public Enemies” as it is again about crimes being committed due to financial reasons of the Great Depression.

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